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Mrs Liu Yandong visits Hutchinson's plant in Châlette-sur-Loing

Reading time: 2 minutes

For the 110th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping, the main architect behind the beginning of China’s modernization and its outstanding economic development, there have been a lot of celebrations in China and around the world this year. 

On September 19, Chinese Vice Premier Mrs Liu Yandong, accompanied by 13 ministers, took the opportunity offered by an official visit with the French government to take a tour of Hutchinson’s Châlette-sur-Loing facility, in Building 507. Indeed, Deng Xiaoping himself and many of the people who would later hold key political positions in the fledgling People’s Republic of China worked at this site in the early 20th century, from 1920 to 1927. Mrs Liu Yandong was welcomed by Jacques Maigné, Paul Laville (sub-prefect for Loiret), Jean Pierre Door (deputy and mayor of Montargis) and Franck Demaumont (mayor of Châlette-sur-Loing).

In Building 507, Hutchinson exhibited its photos and historical archives, looking back over this period when more than 200 Chinese people worked at the Châlette sur Loing factory, primarily in the shoe production unit on the upper floor of Building 507.

The exchanges between Mrs Liu Yandong and Jacques Maigné highlighted the areas of economic cooperation between Hutchinson and China, as well as our Group’s dynamic commitment to Chinese manufacturer clients. Jacques Maigné invited Mrs Liu Yandong to visit us again for the inauguration of the future Building 507, which will become the “beating heart” of the Group.

visite madame liu yandong