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IFE competition: a successful first edition

Reading time: 1 minute

In April, students from Lodz Technical University in Poland participated in the IFE (International Faculty of Engineering) competition. This competition, inspired by the “24 Hours of Innovation” event, was supported by Hutchinson tutors.

During the month, Lodz Technical University and Hutchinson organized a competition intended for students at universities specializing in humanities and technical sciences. The French embassy in Poland was the key partner of this event. 

Formed into mixed teams of seven people supervised by Hutchinson tutors, the students not only competed for the main price but also had to learn very quickly how to work effectively together. The participants only had 24 hours to find an idea to solve the manufacturing problems. The students’ commitment greatly exceeded the expectations of the organizers, the tutors and the representatives of the Lodz Technical University commission. 

The idea of organizing such a competition came from the French event "Les 24h de l'innovation®" (“24 Hours of Innovation”), created at ESTIA (Ecole Supérieure de Techniciens Industriels Avancés) in 2007.

ife poland student hutchinson