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Hutchinson organises its first PhD Day

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Over 60 PhD students from various universities and institutes of higher education came together on 13 June at the Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI) for the first Hutchinson PhD Day.

The day was dedicated to doctoral students from several universities and institutes of higher education that Hutchinson is targeting. Hutchinson engineers and doctors held discussions on scientific and technical topics.

A visit to CRI and team workshops were orgsed around eight key themes:

  • Data Science and IoT
  • Adhesion Dispersion surface engineering
  • Materials chemistry
  • Materials mechanics 
  • Composites
  • Digital Simulation 
  • Polymer processes
  • Advanced engineering and sciences


This open and friendly setting was also an opportunity for Hutchinson to discover promising young talent for the future of the industry.

The first PhD Day in video:

phd day
phd day cover
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