All Products Families for Industry Precision Sealing Systems

Our O-Rings ensure perfect static and dynamic seals between two parts assembled radially (shafts) or axially (covers). They can withstand the most extreme temperatures and fit in the smallest spaces.

Shaft Seals
They ensure the perfect sealing on rotating, or translating shafts under a large range of temperature. Our Dynamic Seals maintain lubricants in engines and transmissions while avoiding any foreign particles or fluid pollution.

Magnet rings
Thanks to the magnet pattern printed in an elastomeric or plastic compound, our Encoders can accurately provide position, direction and speed of a rotating shaft. You find it operating in engines, transmissions and ABS systems.

Precision Static Seals
Braking, fuel, oil, air, water systems are operational if they do not leak. Their reliability results from our Precision Static Seals, made of approved materials, tailor made designs and mastered processes.